Thursday, March 8, 2007

Girl Scout Cookies

So, it's that time of year again - Girl Scout Cookies!!! My favorites are Samoas. The carmel and coconut goodness with the squiggle chocolate lines on top. Thankfully, they only come out once a year or I would be in big trouble.

I ordered my cookies this year and limited myself to one box of the Samoas because they are such a hazzard. I got my coveted purple box yesterday and I am very sorry to report - they are all gone! I ate 16 cookies in 2 days (not even 2 full days it's only 11:00 in the morning!!) I was reading the box and do feel a little better about myself because -

"with a Girl Scout Cookie I can build:

  • Strong Values
  • Strong Minds
  • Strong Bodies
  • Strong Spirit
  • Strong Friendships
  • Strong Skills
  • Strong Leadership
  • Strong Community"
So I gues what I really should be saying is, "Thank You Girl Scout Cookies for everything you have given me - and by eating the whole box I have just made myself stonger!" Maybe I should ask for a raise because of my new stronger skills.


Brian, Emily, Violet, and Jack said...

Jess, Samoas are my favs too! I ordered a box for just myself and they were gone pretty quick! How's house stuff coming along?

Emily :)