Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Going Back to School

I did it! Tonight I applied to 2 degree completion programs to finish my BA and then get my MBA. It is the great unfinished symphony in my life and it is time to finish!

We'll see what's going to happen. I bombed out my last year at Simpson. I didn't want to be there, I was hurt and tired and just wanted to get out. So, my GPA took a nose dive. I might have to be on academic probation! I'm very excited about going back to school. I'm ready to learn and be a nerdy student. I am so going to be one of the old ladies in the class that brings in 5 highlighters, has all their reading done the first week and a bunch of 3x5 card with questions all ready. I'm even going to sit front row - middle! I may even go get a backpack on wheels to complete the look. (True story - my Jr. year of high school I was in an accident and I bruised my spinal cord. We didn't have lockers at my school and I wasn't able to carry the weight of my books on my back so I had to use a backpack with wheels. HORRIBLE!!)


Jo said...

oh my goodness, I totally was that old lady when I went back to school. I have the backpack on wheels too. Don't hate! :)

Mandi said...

I'm the totaly nerd lady too!! Everyone in my english class wants me to proof-read their papers, wah wah! We can have study dates Jess!! Yay! I'm pround of you :)

Brian, Emily, Violet, and Jack said...

Good for you Jess! I know you can do it!!

Sue Rinaldi said...

hey...now i leave u a message. so what u gonna do at college? will u still be david's PA? have u an email address? did u get the cd I left u. loads of questions....also good 2 meet u. sorry not to have said goodbye, think i was doing something else. u should have found me. x