Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I have a dream!

I have felt for so long that I have no idea what I should be doing with my life. What is my calling? What is my purpose? What is my destiny? For the first time in my life, those questions are not freaking me out. Then on Friday, I got some answers. I feel like I know, to some extent, where I am headed. Not only that, but the opportunity has presented itself for me to start walking down the path. Opportunity and destiny have collided. That is a beautiful thing!

This Sunday was also amazing! God is moving and women are being called, released and activated to follow their destiny!! Not to be held back by the class or gender but to rise-up as a unique creation of a loving Father. We have been given the tools and things needed to live our heart's desire. Women are not less-than. Our purpose is not second place. Rise-up women of God!!


Mandi said...

AMEN!!! I almost croaked when I read the title of your blog because last night I had a dream about you!!! It was so weird....I dreampt (sp?) that God sent me back in time to a church camp from 2001 and you and a bunch of people from church were there and God wanted me to tell you how great of a person you were and how much of an impact you would have in my life in 2008 as my friend. I think it had a alot of meaning, possibly exactly what you just wrote. I think it's confirming everything He's telling you by giving me a dream about it!! Is there anything that happened in '01that is coming to a head now? I wonder. I pray you are blessed. You don't know how much the word you gave me means! Love you!! XOXO