Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

Alanna started 2nd grade this year! She is required to wear school uniforms so please excuse her drab appearance. We are less than impressed with her teacher this year. She was late for the first day of school. Told us she missed 11 weeks(!!!) of school last year due to the flu. We have yet to see ANY school work. We have gotten homework packets on a different day of the week every week. And to top it off, Alanna keeps asking if we are illegal aliens, why? because Mrs. D talks about them a lot. Hmmmm...

Shoe Shopping!! A perfect mother - daughter bonding experience!

Alanna really wanted these shoes. We found a pair that we both could agree on and would go better with her uniforms. She settled for a picture with the shoes.
On our way to the first day of school!

Alanna and little brother Luke
In her class. She is so studious!


Anonymous said...

She's looking happier with her selected shoes.