Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Family

My husband, Paul, is adopted. When Paul was 19 years old he found his birth mom, his birth mom and family moved to New York.

Then last week, Paul was making a mysterious phone call to a Joseph Castagno. I ask, who's that? He says, "I think he is my dad." Then two days later Joseph called him back and we found out that Joseph is Paul's birth father. Paul has two brothers, Chris and Nick and a million Uncles, Aunts, Cousins. A giant Italian family. (Paul's Italian!) Everyone has been so amazing and welcoming! Paul is so excited!

Paul's dad Joe and grandson Logan

Paul's Brother Chistopher and his son Logan

Paul's youngest brother, Nicolas


Krista said...

That's exciting news!

Jo said...

holy cow!!!

E.p said...

Oh my gosh, Thats amazing news :)

Anonymous said...

Jess, that's so exciting. They look so much like Paul!!!!

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

More Pasta! That is so awesome! Are they planning to meet?

thesampsonlife said...

WHOA! Thanks for sharing! This is so cool! It's so cool for us all to have the opportunity to see this. You can totally see the resemblance.